
Commanditaire d’éducation :




Tous les ateliers sont présentés en anglais

Session pré-congrès – Mardi 21 avril, 7 h 30 – 17 h

Présentation matinale commanditée – Mercredi 22 avril, 7 h – 7 h 45

Session 1 – Mercredi 22 avril, 9 h 15 – 10 h 45

Session 2 – Mercredi 22 avril, 11 h 15 – 12 h 15

Session 3 – Mercredi 22 avril, 14 h 30 – 15 h 30

Présentation matinale commanditée – Jeudi 23 avril, 7 h – 7 h 45

Session 4 – Jeudi 23 avril, 9 h 15 – 10 h 45

Session 5 – Jeudi 23 avril, 11 h 15 – 12 h 15

Présentation matinale commanditée – Vendredi 24 avril, 7 h – 7 h 45

Session 6 – Vendredi 24, avril, 9 h 15 – 10 h 45

Session 7 – Vendredi 24, avril, 11 h 15 – 12 h 15

Veuillez noter : La liste des conférenciers ainsi que le programme peuvent être modifiés à tout moment.

Crédits de formation continue


La pleine participation au 27e Congrès national de l’ACPDP sur la philanthropie stratégique donne droit à 16,25 crédits* décernés par CFRE International dans la catégorie 1.B – Formation, utilisables pour la présentation d’une demande d’agrément ou de renouvellement d’agrément auprès de cet organisme. 

Rappelez-vous ! En tant que membre de l’ACPDP, vous avez droit à un rabais de 20 % sur les frais d’agrément ou de renouvellement de l’agrément à CFRE.

Certains crédits reconnus par les barreaux sont accordés sur demande.

Session pré-congrès

Mardi 21 avril 2020, 7 h 30 – 17 h 00
Gift Planning Fundamentals
Whether you are new to gift planning or you are in need of a solid refresher, Gift Planning Fundamentals is a one day introductory course that reviews Canadian trends and tax issues, common gifts in Canada and concludes with marketing, stewardship and discussing planned gifts with donors.
Paul Nazareth, CAGP and Sherri Grosz, CFP, Abundance Canada

Présentation matinale commanditée (optionnel)

Mercredi 22 avril, 7 h – 7 h 45
Commanditaire: South Saskatchewan Community Foundation

How I Grow my Community and My Business Using the Philanthropic Discussion
This session will look at how the conversation of gift planning benefits everyone, including your business and your community. Community Foundations work with all charities and benefit community. How can you work with a Community Foundation to serve your clients, your donors, and your bottom line?
Vanessa Bonk, South Saskatchewan Community Foundation; Rob Rongve, RBC Dominion Securities

Session de formation 1

Mercredi 22 avril, 9 h 15 – 10 h 45

1.1 Gift Planning Overview
Gift Planning Vehicles
This session is designed to give a high level, broad overview of gift planning to those new to the field. Differences between planned giving and other modes of fundraising will be discussed as well as a review of the key terminology and basic understanding to make the most of other sessions at the conference. You’ll receive practical ideas and resources to jumpstart your understanding of planned and strategic giving.
Colleen DeJager, PGgrowth Inc.

1.2 Overcoming Your Planned Giving Program Pain-points
Building Relationships
This session addresses the three most common struggles people face in planned giving: How to get Board/senior leadership support and budget for your program; How to successfully and efficiently get supporters to consider a planned gift and; How to build the strong donor relationships that lead to confirmed gifts. We’ve brought together three experts in these areas to share their strategies first-hand and answer your big questions.
Aimée Lindenberger, CFRE, Refocus Communications & Fundraising; Grant Monck, LL.B., PGgrowth Inc.; Jane Westheuser, CFRE, Heart & Stroke

1.3 Charities & Overhead – Forget Impact, Think Value!
Know Your Charity
What is the value of charitable work? Is cost more relevant than impact? Are low costs a legitimate measure of success? How do we invest in human resources, marketing and technology to deliver on our missions while avoiding bloated budgets that imply inefficiency? How do we gain commitment from our donors while addressing concerns over operating costs? This session will show you how to stay competitive by altering the traditional models of doing business in the charitable sector.
Dino Sophocleous, CFRE, Hospitals of Regina Foundation

1.4 Donor Advised Funds: Perspectives From Providers and Charities
Gift Planning Vehicles
Donor-advised funds are increasingly popular and are now offered by a wide-range of providers in Canada. However, there is still significant confusion about what a DAF is and what the benefits and restrictions of DAFs are. This panel presentation will include panellists from different kinds of charities that operate donor-advised funds as well as charities that receive donor advised funds. The panellists will provide unique perspectives on DAF issues, respond to some of the concerns and take audience questions.
Christall Beaudry, CNIB Foundation-Saskatchewan; Michael Blatchford, LL.B., Norton Rose Fulbright Canada; Terri-Lynn Brown, Aqueduct Foundation; Calvin Fong, Vancouver Foundation; Darren Pries-Klassen, CFP, Abundance Canada

1.5 Crystal Ball – Future Trends
Building Relationships
Drawing on the collective wisdom of participants, we’ll look at key questions that might influence the future of gift planning. As donors transition from Baby Boomers to Gen X and Millennials, how will this impact our industry? How will this impact professional advisors? Will this impact the balance between endowments and DAF’s? What future impact will social enterprises have on our planned giving and charitable infrastructure? What could the future tax regime look like? How might this impact CRA’s treatment of charitable giving into the future? Join us for some stimulating crystal ball gazing.
Patrick O’Connor, FEA, TEP, CHFC, CFP, CLU, Blackwood Family Enterprise Services

Session de formation 2

Mercredi 22 avril, 11 h 15 – 12 h 15

2.1 From Ground Zero to Hero- How to Start a Legacy Giving Program for Your Charity
Know Your Charity
Trillions of dollars will be transferring to families and communities over the next two decades. Does your charity have a legacy giving program in place to participate in this revenue stream? Ellen and Kent will take you through the real life steps of establishing a legacy giving program at the Stirling McDowell Foundation that started at ground zero and moved through to confirmed gifts; all within 4 months. This session will provide you with a comprehensive guide to move your charity from a state of no legacy giving to one with gifts confirmed.
Kent Hartshorn, CFRE, DCG Philanthropic Services; Ellen Whiteman, MA, McDowell Foundation

2.2 How Behavioral Science is Transforming Legacy Fundraising
Building Relationships
The explosion of insight from behavioral science has transformed business, government and social causes across the world. In the UK, it has been used to drive the Remember a Charity campaign and a range of charity and NGO campaigns, finding partnerships to create new approaches and understanding donors through research and insight and creative campaigns. This session unpacks how to use this learning, tools and techniques and how to truly deliver a donor centric approach to transform your approach and campaigns.
Stephen George, Good Leaders

2.3 Their Unique Why! This is Our Why! What is Your Why?
Building Relationships
Engaging people in a real, deep and purpose led way opens the door of influence that can unlock meaningful gifts. We often share our charities Why… but have you shared your Why? Does sharing it actually connect donors to your charity in a deeper way? Come find out!
Jay Stark, CFP, The Donor Motivation Program

2.4 Charities, Charitable Giving and the Courts
Legal Issues
Charities, like most of us, would prefer to avoid court proceedings as much as possible. Yet, from time to time, charities and charitable giving matters do end up in front of the courts. This session will give participants an overview of some of the recent matters heard by the courts involving charities and charitable giving. It will examine the circumstances giving rise to these court proceedings and provide participants with proactive strategies to attempt to avoid these circumstances from arising in the future.
M. Elena Hoffstein, LL.B. and Brittany Sud, LL.B., Miller Thomson LLP

2.5 Gift Planning in Canada: New Research & New Strategies to Move the Dial Forward
Marketing & Communications
CAGP has just undertaken the most recent and comprehensive research on estate planning and legacy giving in Canada, all in preparation for Canada’s first national legacy campaign. This session will walk participants through the findings, and what it means for Canadian charities and advisors. We will also introduce participants to the new national legacy campaign – the latest strategy to move the dial forward on legacy giving in Canada.
Laurie Fox, MBA, CAGP Foundation; Ruth MacKenzie, CAGP

  Ce cours donne droit à 1.00 crédits de formation reconnus par l’Institut

Session de formation 3

Mercredi 22 avril, 14 h 30 – 15 h 30

3.1 The Age Advantage
Building Relationships
With the influx of young professional fundraisers entering the workforce, how can we allow these individuals to use their age to their advantage in legacy giving conversations? If you are young, young of heart, or trying to convince younger members of your team to have planned giving conversations, come to this session to hear about how two young-ish fundraisers have used age to their advantage when talking about gifts made at the end of life.
Siobhan Doherty, Dalhousie University; Heather L.M. Powers, McGill University

3.2 Kids, Kittens, and Puppies and the 6 Critical Lessons to Raise More Money Through Effective Donor Communication
Marketing & Communications
In this session you will learn: the six critical lessons to deeper donor communication; key strategies ensuring your donor messages are read; how to use the latest research from organizations like Ivey Business School and Harvard University on communication to motivate your donors; the easiest and most effective communication tools; as well as real world insights from planned giving colleagues to raise more money!
Keith Thomson, The Donor Motivation Program

3.3 In and Out Collaboration: Charities Working Together
Know Your Charity
A giving collaborative is initiated after a successful joint fundraising effort among a handful of organizations supporting one overall cause in a large municipality. After they realized that they accomplished more in a capital campaign by working together they thought they could apply that theory to an ongoing “legacy for a cause” campaign and formalize a structure. Will they accomplish more legacy gifts by working together? How?
C. Yvonne Chenier, Q.C. and Betty Thompson, FCPA, FCGA, IntegralOrg; Martina Jileckova, Horizon Housing

3.4 A Case Law Review: Legal Pitfalls That Can Remove the “Fun” from Fundraising
Legal Issues
This workshop will briefly review the basic legal principles of fundraising on behalf of registered charities. Recent case law addressing fundraising and a charity’s relationship with its donors will be analyzed and clear prevailing best practices will be extracted and explained.
Bryan Millman, LL.B. and Laura West, J.D., Norton Rose Fulbright Canada

3.5 Effective Canadian Fundraising Leadership: What is it and How to Develop it?
Know Your Charity
What makes an effective Canadian fundraising leader? What leadership skills are required? What leadership style is most effective? Participants in this session will learn how, according to the latest Canadian research, leadership is currently practiced within the Canadian fundraising community. They will learn what leadership skills and leadership styles produce the best fundraising results. Finally, they will learn how to develop these skill and styles to become more effective fundraising leaders.
Mikhael Bornstein, MA, CFRE, Ecojustice

Présentation matinale commanditée (optionnel)

Jeudi 23 avril, 7 h – 7 h 45
Commanditaire: RBC Royal Trust

Working With a Corporate Executor – What You Need to Know!
This session provides an overview of the role of the corporate executor in fulfilling a client’s philanthropic objectives through the administration of his or her estate. Learn about the benefits of incorporating a corporate executor into your client’s philanthropic plan as well as the advantages to charitable beneficiaries of working with a corporate executor.
Tracey Woo and Nigel Fawcett, CFA, MBA, RBC Royal Trust

Session de formation 4

Jeudi 23 avril, 9 h 15 – 10 h 45

4.1 Finding Front-line Gift Planners and Fundraisers: And the Secrets to Getting These Jobs
Ethics & Judgement
Based on ground-breaking Canadian research conducted by crawfordconnect, we will lead a discussion providing tangible solutions for recruiting and retaining talented gift planners and fundraisers and reveal our secrets to securing these highly coveted roles. Learn from an experienced VP, who leads gift planning and fundraising and manages a team at her organization, and an executive search professional.
Deborah Legrove, CFRE (2002 – 2017), crawfordconnect; Lisa Green, CFRE, Hospitals of Regina Foundation

4.2 Endowment Planning with Foresight and Hindsight
Gift Planning Vehicles
Donations for endowments deserve a higher level of consideration than they often get. These permanent funds need to be planned with exceptional foresight, attention to detail, financial acumen and knowledge of institutional investment policies. Gift planners and professional advisors must ensure that donors thoroughly understand the purpose and process before signing the bottom line. There are many ways donors can establish and contribute to endowments. We will discuss the different approaches to endowments as well as best practices for ensuring charity and donor are on the same page. Also, many charities are finding themselves in situations where the original terms of endowments are unclear and the charity is now unsure what to do. You will learn about appropriate dollar amounts, enduring purposes, as well as the value of reports for donors and what should be included in them. We will also discuss compliance with regulations, gift agreements with exit strategies, examples where terms of past endowments are unclear and possible solutions.
Nicole K. D’Aoust, LL.B. and Gwenyth Stadig LL.B., Miller Thomson LLP; Doug Puffer, Carleton University

  Ce cours donne droit à 1.50 crédits de formation reconnus par l’Institut

4.3 The Life of a Donor/Wealth Client
Gift Planning Vehicles
In this session we meet “Sarah Monroe”, a fictional wealth management client, who has expressed an interest in being charitable. As we walk through Sarah’s life, we will explore the many moments where planned charitable giving fits within her financial situation. This session will look at how different strategies will impact Sarah, her family, their charitable legacy and broader financial picture.
Jennifer Button, RBC Wealth Management; Brad Offman, Spire Philanthropy

  Ce cours donne droit à 1.50 crédits de formation reconnus par l’Institut

4.4 Generation Impact: A Deeper Dive
Building Relationships
Join this workshop session and dig deeper into the research on next gen donors and how they are revolutionizing giving. Robyn Schein will translate the learnings Michael Moody presented at the morning plenary session into action and ideas for implementation. Building on the research and best practices from the field, Robyn will guide a conversation on what it takes to engage and serve “Generation Impact.”
Robyn Schein, MPA, 21/64

4.5 Above and Beyond: Dealing with Inappropriate Behaviour from Donors and Volunteers
Ethics & Judgement
Addressing inappropriate behaviour from donors or volunteers is an important part of ensuring a safe working environment for ourselves and our teams. It’s also an essential component of risk management for our organisations. What steps do we need to take in both policy and practice to create that culture of safety and support? This session aims to provide a forum for open discussion about this issue.
Peggy Killeen, CFRE, CAGP Foundation; Jen Pederson, CFRE, Saskatoon Community Foundation

Session de formation 5

Jeudi 23 avril, 11 h 15 – 12 h 15

5.1 My Precious…Marketing Materials
Marketing & Communications
Do you ever feel like people aren’t willing to share their marketing material, strategies or ideas? Well, you don’t have to battle orcs and dragons to create your own “precious” marketing strategy – all you need to do is attend this session. Attendees will walk through a proven, strategic and proactive marketing and outreach approach to legacy giving, and leave with valuable tools, techniques and ideas they can use.
Holly Greatrex, CFRE, Carleton University

5.2 Foreign or Non-resident Donors
Legal Issues
This workshop reviews what fundraisers and gift planners for Canadian charities need to know in order to effectively structure gifts involving non-resident or foreign donors. They will gain an understanding of relevant gifting issues, due diligence and issues of concern to charities, and an overview of tax treaty treatment of cross border gifts.
Theresa L.M. Man, M.Mus., LL.B., LL.M., Carters Professional Corporation

5.3 The Element of $1 Million+ Gifts
Building Relationships
The number of seven figure plus gifts in Canada is rapidly growing. What are the elements of a one million dollar donation? Who gives them? What’s the motivation? What are the strategic gift planning issues? And what charities are most likely to receive them? This session will examine donor profiles, gift planning issues, and include interactive case studies to better understand the next stage of philanthropy in Canada.
Malcolm Burrows, Scotia Wealth Management

5.4 CAGP Death Café
Building Relationships
The objective of the Death Café movement is to “increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives”. During this session, we’ll push our personal boundaries in a safe environment, encouraging a space in which to share and be heard, listen, empathize, and learn. Tea and pre-lunch sweets included!
Janice L. St-Denis, CFRE, McMaster University

5.5 Donors are Clients and Clients are Donors: Understanding the Client and Financial Advisor Philanthropic Conversation
Building Relationships
This session will set out to create a deeper understanding of how advisors work with clients to achieve their charitable legacy. This panel will pull back the curtain and give the audience an insider’s view of how advisors unearth a client’s desire for impact and philanthropy. We will examine cases describing how a donor/client approaches giving and how a financial advisor not only utilizes optimal financial strategies and vehicles (such as Donor Advised funds), but also depends on charities.
Joady Guyot, Assante Wealth Management; Serena Hak, The Donor Motivation Program; Jeremy Hampson, CFP, CLU, Assante Capital; Jay Stark, CFP, The Donor Motivation Program; Brad Willems, CFP, Assante Financial

Présentation matinale commanditée (optionnel)

Vendredi 24 avril, 7 h – 7 h 45
Commanditaire: à confirmer
Titre et description à confirmer

Session de formation 6

Vendredi 24 avril, 9 h 15 – 10 h 45

6.1 Building Your Digital Legacy Factory: How to Use Online Tools to Identify and Cultivate Legacy Prospects
Marketing & Communications
This practical, sample-packed session will give you everything you need to know to build your own Legacy Factory – a donor-centered mass marketing approach to the hyper-personal world of legacy giving. We’ll focus on your digital legacy toolbox, and you’ll learn how to maximize your website, email program, and lead generation tools for a legacy audience, along with how to integrate them into your offline tactics for a seamless donor journey across every channel.
Charlotte Field, Good Works

6.2 Exploring Empathy: A Practical Guide to Embracing Donor Concerns to Inspire Legacy Giving
Marketing & Communications
Wish you could alleviate your donors’ deepest fears about bequests and help them embrace the exciting possibility of making a transformational gift? We will coach you on confidently addressing donor concerns directly and inspiring them to make a gift in their will. You’ll learn the five most common objections to making legacy gifts and you’ll work in teams to build your very own set of powerful messages to help dissipate donor doubts.
Lynne Boardman, Harvey McKinnon and Associates; David Kravinchuk, The Common Good Fundraising Agency

6.3 Uncovering Hidden Treasure – Top 5 Basic Tools to Tackle Estate Administration
Legal Issues
Administration of an estate file can be straightforward and sometimes there is hidden treasure. Come to this interactive session where in small groups, you will implement tools to help navigate estate files working through real life examples and discover hidden treasures. This session will provide participants with five tools to use for estate review in a more systematic manner, highlighting key fundamentals that fulfill your obligation to your donor and protect your charitable interests.
Yolanda Benoit, The BC SPCA; Patricia Ward, Heart and Stroke Foundation

6.4 Conversations with Widows Around Death, Grief and Legacy Giving
Building Relationships
With more than 1.85 million widowed people in Canada, this panel will provide practical tips to help guide planned giving professionals in their work and conversations with widowed donors. With love, compassion and humour, we will create a safe space to explore issues of death, grief, and spousal loss and speak candidly about the role of planned giving in creating a legacy for deceased loved ones.
Moderator: Janice L. St Denis, CFRE, McMaster University
Panel: Charlotte Paul, Perspective Wealth Management of Raymond James; Holly Wagg, CFRE, Good Works; Donor Panelist TBC

6.5 Social Justice Philanthropy – Key Concepts and Competencies
Ethics & Judgement
Donors and foundations across Canada are increasingly reflecting on our relationships with privilege, colonialism, and reconciliation. At the same time, the legitimacy of traditional philanthropy as a vehicle for redistributing wealth and reducing the effects of inequality is increasingly under the microscope. What are the approaches that professional gift planners and philanthropic advisors can take to examine our own practices and better support donors, non-profits, and movements in their work toward structural change? We’ll explore the practice of “social justice philanthropy”. Participants will leave with an understanding of key concepts and competencies and practical resources to start applying these principles.
Krista Bissiallon, Algoma Community Foundation; Holly McLellan, Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Canada; Jon McPhedran Waitzer, Resource Movement; Shereen Munshi, The Circle on Philanthropy of the Aboriginal Peoples Canada

Session de formation 7

Vendredi 24 avril, 11 h 15 – 12 h 15

7.1 Gifts of Land with Superior Tax Benefits: The Ecological Gifts Program
Gift Planning Vehicles
In rural Canada the wealth is held by land owners who often struggle with a succession plan. This session is an opportunity for professional and wealth management advisors, lawyers and accountants to learn new strategic philanthropic options they can propose to their clients.
Gary Goodwin, Ducks Unlimited Canada; Cameron Wood, Nature Conservancy of Canada

7.2 Transform Your Legacy Marketing Program For The Better
Marketing & Communications
This session will identify the leading barriers to doing more in legacy giving, the key areas of focus if you want to create a better experience and how measurements can make or break your success. You will be inspired to build a better marketing program for legacy gifts and learn proven ways to better integrate, educate and inspire people to do more! Several case studies will demonstrate the power of making legacy giving your driver for better relationships across your organization and transforming giving in the future.
Kimberley Blease, Blakely; Stephen George, Good Leaders

7.3 Working with an Aging Population – Issues and Strategies
Legal Issues
Our aging population gives rise to unique opportunities, but also novel risks. In this session, you will learn to spot the red flags of elder abuse, incapacity and undue influence, and you will understand the pitfalls associated with planning charitable gifts for complex estates. You will walk away knowing how to manage those risks and effectively protect your organization and your gifts.
Eric N. Hoffstein, LL.B., TEP, Fogler, Rubinoff LLP

7.4 Live Toads 101 – How to Talk with Donors When Expectations Aren’t Met
Building Relationships
It’s the call none of us want to make. How should we deal with the angry or disappointed donor? Abundance Canada has been a faith-based, donor-advised charitable foundation for over 40 years. Many of our donors work with us on a recurring basis and a recent client survey shows that 99% of donors were satisfied with Abundance Canada overall. Having said that, we believe it’s important that every donor have a positive Abundance Canada experience. We will share our experiences and strategies for successfully repairing and rebuilding donor relationships.
Rick Braun-Janzen, CFP, and Sherri Grosz, CFP, Abundance Canada

7.5 Your Digital Undertaker – Estate Planning in the Digital Age
Ethics & Judgement
Our clients certainly enjoy the benefits of digital assets and their digital lives but the idea of these being included in their estates may seem abstract. How digital assets are managed as part of peoples’ lives and estates is gaining the attention of our clients, our respective professional associations and the media. This awareness session will focus on estate planning of a client’s digital estates and begin by exploring how the digital revolution has changed a client’s estate planning circumstances.
Sharon Hartung, PEng, MSc, BEng, PMP, CD, rmc, Your Digital Undertaker

Veuillez noter : La liste des conférenciers ainsi que le programme peuvent être modifiés à tout moment.
